England Football Accredited Club ★★

Affiliated to Surrey FA



Information for Club Roles

We rely on volunteers to help us provide safe and fun football for boys and girls. This page provides essential information for our new and existing volunteers with club roles.

Summary Information

This section provides links to everything you need if you have a role within the club. 

Pre-Season Administration

All coaches must complete the FA course - Introduction to Coaching Football and have up to date certificates for both Safeguarding Children and Introduction to First Aid in Football.

All required courses are funded by the club - submit an expense form after the course is taken.

Training & Match Day

DBS Process

Anyone aged 16 or over who undertakes any unsupervised roles with children under the age of 18 must have a valid DBS check before fulfilling their role. 

To complete the form you need to input:


  • Full name (including middle name)
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth and Nationality
  • Addresses stayed at over the last 5 years – address and postcode including current address
  • Documents for verification


It is a criminal offence to enter incorrect data. 

  1. After submission, send copies of verification docs you have agreed for verification to Child Welfare Officer. 
  2. It will take between 2-4 weeks to receive a confirmation by post.
  3. When received, send a copy of the confirmation document to the Child Welfare Officer.


Team Contacts & Roles

Submit the form below if you are new to the club. The information will be reviewed by the Club Secretary.

Team Contacts & Role

Match Day Checklist

1. Address & Emergency Access
Know the address of the ground and the location of any emergency access points. They may be not located at the same place as the entrance – and ensure they are open.

2. Hospital

Know the address and number of the nearest hospital – please put the home Hospital address and phone details on your phone

3. First Aid  

Have and take a fully stocked First Aid Kit to every match and if possible to training. If you need any essentials contact Facilities .

4. Defibrillators

Know the location of the nearest defibrillator

5. Match Day Incidents

Report any incidents or issues at matches as soon as possible to the Secretary using the Match Day Incident Report Form .

6. Full Time

Complete or delegate responsibility to complete Full Time as soon as possible after a match (the Club faces fines if not completed).

7. Welfare

Remember the health and protection of the children is paramount and ensure parents meet them before they are removed from your care.

Team Squad Lists

  • Players MUST be registered with the league to play league matches. This is in addition to their club membership. 
  • Players registered for matches appear on your squad list.
  • How to download your squad list: click here.
  • If you register additional players, you will need to download a new squad list
  • Squad lists are required to be shared with the opposition before every match – please ensure you have access to your download or a printed copy.

Submit Match Day Incidents / Report

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