Please ensure the points below are adhered to. Some are requests from venues we hire, please respect their wishes.
Training: Thursday, Friday & Saturday (3G)
Entry & Exit: Enter through the Bishop David Brown Car park and head to the left of the school to the central car park. Exit through the same exit as you entered
Pitches: The 3G is located behind the Leisure Facility, and the match pitches (grass) to the left of the 3G
Training: Saturday (Grass), Thursday (3G)
Exit & Entry: Entry is through the main gate of the College
Parking: There is ample parking at the front, left side and back of the College.
Pitches: The 3G pitch is in front of the car part at the back. Walk through the College to arrive at the 11 and 9 aside pitches.
Toilets: Toilets are located in front of the Sports Hall Entrance
Training: Wednesday
Exit & Entry: Enter through the second entrance on Hermitage Road
Pitches: In front of the Car park
Training: Saturday (Grass & futsal).
Exit & Entry: Entry is through the Sports Hall entrance on Horsell Rise not the main school gate.
Pitches: There is ample parking in the carpark at the front of the netball courts.
Toilets: Toilets are located inside the Sports Hall
DeFib: Is located outside on the wall close to the Sports Hall entrance.
Training: Wednesday (3G)
Exit & Entry: Through the main road
Parking: In front of the school
Pitches: Enter the Leisure Centre to the right of the school, and the Pitches are through the Leisure Centre to the right of the school
Woking Boys & Girls Club operating as Woking Town Football Club
Charity Number: 292342
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